Saturday, February 27, 2010

Baby Norah

We got a new baby yesterday. She is the most emaciated little thing I have ever seen. Pics may come soon but She needs lots of good food and prayer. Her family was feeding her only water and sugar. We found her on the islands during the medical outreach and the parents both agreed to let Diana and us take the baby to Acacia Tree. She is 14 months and weighs 4 kilos or 8.8 pounds.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Rainy Season!

The smell of rain is amazing. So crisp and clean. When we first arrived I noticed that it smells sweeter here. I don't know if it is from the fruit or the flowers but it is amazing.

Last Friday Mitchell and I went to the medical outreach. The little kids were so precious. As we were setting up a young boy was dancing and singing for me. We gave out the hard candies that Greg Tunnell gave to us at our going away party and the kids loved them.

Please pray for our health. It seems that every week either Mitchell or I are sick or injured or something like that. Also pray that all of the paperwork that Robin has to get filed goes well.

Thank you for all of your prayers over baby Theo. He is gaining weight, though he is still underweight for his age. He is very irritable and hard to keep happy. Please pray that we all have patience with him as he is learning how to be loved and taken care of.

A while back I think that I blogged about a little boy that was here for one night named Asheraf. We found out that two Fridays ago he passed away. He was born without a valve between his right atrium and ventricle (or something like that, I am not a doctor). His short 9 month life was full of witchcraft and superstition and a drinking mother that didn't take care of him. Even though his death his untimely and tragic I rejoice that he is in the arms of our Savior. Like the song says "In the arms of our dear savior o there are 10,000 charms"

Thursday, February 18, 2010

One Month

We have now been in Uganda for one month. Somethings are like I expected other things are harder others easier. I would like to share with you some of the things that I have learned.

1. Do not run during the rainy season, in Crocs, on slippery cement steps, holding a cat. Reason: just ask the rainbow colored bruise/abrasion/knot on my knee.

2. Anti-malaria meds make for really bad dreams.

3. A lie that the Devil tries to tell us is that places are different. I remember thinking as a kid that as we drove to Missouri to see my great grandmother that things were going to be so strange in Missouri. I was certain that the grass was going to be different colors, or the sky, or the people would look different or something. The truth, however, was that Missouri wasn't much different from Texas. As we were preparing for Africa a similar feeling was within me, that Africa was going to feel different. But here there are birds, there are trees, there are people, just like in America. They all are created by God and they all are loved by God. That is the truth that people the world over are all the same. God loves his African children as much as his American children as much as his Russian children as much as his Chinese children.

4. I have also learned how to roll out chapatis!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Here are a few pictures of the babies and the scenery.

There are more pics at

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Growing Fatter

The day after baby Theo came two more babies came. One of them, Asheraf, was not well and was rushed to the hospital in the middle of the night. Last we heard he had been transfered to a heart specialist. The other baby, Moshe stayed with us for a few days before he went to his grandmother's. When he had first came he clung to me and I prayed and sang over him as I held him.

Theo is getng more and more happy, fat, and strong.

As some of you may have heard Mitchell was accepted to Carnegie Mellon University for their Electrical and Computer Engineering PhD program. Pray that God guides us into the next phase of our life, be it there or somewhere else..