Sunday, April 18, 2010

Volcano Plans

Volcano eruption is increasing! So here is a short list of our plans (some in jest, some less in jest than they were yesterday and more of a joke than they will seem tomorrow):
a. fly to South Africa and hop the 20 hour flight to DFW...but that costs $4000 per person
b. fly to western Africa then get a cruise back to the States
c. hop on a Maersk ship as a stowaway behind a shipping container (hopefully full of gently used mattresses)
d. fly to South America then rent a car (can we rent a car and drive across continents)
e. fly to India and go the other way around the world
f. charter a yacht at prices ranging from 29000 to 70000 euros per week
g. somehow combine all or some of these plans to come up with a superplan
h. wait it out, see if KLM succeeds in convincing the Dutch officials with its test flight data

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

10 Days

It is hard to believe that we will be leaving Africa in just 10 days. These three months have been amazing. Norah is at 7 kg now! Theo is so talkative and will mimic anything you say. Jonathan will smile every now and then. It is precious. Baby Sadie got her ears pierced and is growing and growing. Benja says my name now and I can't get enough of it.
Last week a little boy named Mayor came. His adopted mother Salem has been trying to get his visa for over two months now. She had to go back to the states so he is staying with us for now. He seems to be adjusting well. Keep the 20+ children also in his visa situation in your prayers.
I will see everyone soon.