Everything has been going well. My energy is coming back and my house is (slowly) getting back into order after the tiresome first trimester. We scheduled our anatomy ultrasound for October 21st. Only two and a half more weeks until we know if this bump is a he or a she!
If you are interested, there is a link to our baby registry (a work in progress) at the top of my page. Anything gender specific is just stuff that I like and wanted to remember where it was. Babies really don't need much so you will notice that we pretty much only registered for cloth diapers.
I am now wearing all of my lovely maternity clothes from my Mimi, Granny Kay, Meemaw and Mom. (I have a lot of ladies in my life that love me... these are just a few of them) The rubber band trick no longer works for my overstuffed jeans :)
And for your viewing pleasure.... because I am so incredibly good looking when morning sick and not wearing any makeup. Bahahhaha
Our first pregnancy craving run together. The results: Cookie dough ice cream, oreos, and sour gummy worms, which I ate all together.
My Granny Kay took me to look at baby things and we parked in the expectant mother's spot!
Theo wanted to take picture with the bump too. (Theo has since had a haircut and looks less scraggily) I think my belly button is going to pop out within a month or so. It is dangerously close!
You look so cute!