On Tuesday morning I felt the tiniest little "poke" from within me. It didn't feel like a flutter or a jab or anything else that I have ever heard described. It really felt like someone was ever so gently poking me from the inside (about an inch below my belly button) with the softest of touches.
The more I thought about that little poke the more I though about "Horton Hears a Who." Towards the end, to save themselves from a bad kangaroo, the Whos have to make themselves known from their little speck. They chant "We are here. We are here. We are here." I could just imagine my strong, little baby chanting "I am here. I am here. I am here."
Of course, that brought on a whole slew of "Horton" quotes: "A person is a person no matter how small" and "An elephant is faithful 100%" (and yes, sadly, in this analogy I am the elephant)
I feel so blessed to be chosen to faithfully protect my little, "small person." I now, kind of, visualize my pregnancy as me as Horton, my baby as that sweet little yellow speck on the clover, and the journey to delivery as Horton's journey to find that speck a safe landing space! I just can hardly wait to see my little Who's face!
Maybe it is all kind of silly but, who doesn't love a good Seuss reference?
the first time i felt river, it was a poke. the first time i felt austen, however, it was flutters. so different! river punched me every day after and austen was always quieter and took longer to make herself known. :)