Monday, June 27, 2011

Even more changes...

We just found out that the agency we are working with will most likely not be able to place us with an infant and truth be told we don't have money for an infant adoption and our agency just feels like the right place to be.

We are now pursuing an adoption for a child under 3. I am sad that we won't have the time period of infancy but I am getting excited about being the mother of a toddler.

I just found this fun site that has 101 things to do with a toddler. I am excited about taking our child on walks and making little boards for practicing buttons and snaps and zippers. I am excited about taking our child to the farmers' market to look at different vegetables.

Yes, it will be difficult. Yes, it will be hard. Our child will come to us already having experienced hurt, disappointment, neglect, and possibly even abuse. But I know that my Redeemer, my Savior, can transform anything. God can make beautiful things out of the dust.

Some of the lyrics are:
All this pain
I wonder if I’ll ever find my way
I wonder if my life could really change at all
All this earth
Could all that is lost ever be found
Could a garden come up from this ground at all

You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of the dust
You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of us

I love the line "Could a garden come up from this ground at all". I feel like I am a garden... right now an infertile garden, that without God's grace cannot produce fruit. Yet God can make my barren soil a family. He can bring together people from different places and knit it together into a family. Some day our family will have so much joy, it will seem like a garden bursting into blooms!

God is amazing and I trust him through all of these changes and uncertainty.


  1. Oh I had not heard this news! I am so sorry you won't be able to adopt an infants right now. But I am overjoyed that you may be able to adopt a child that will only ever remember YOU as Mommy.
    Corrie just read a book about toddlers that she raves about. We will have to find out what it is!

  2. Hi Cassidy - I found your blog through my analytics page on my blog. Apparently this post sent a few visitors to my blog because of my 101 things list, and I got nosey. I just want you to know that this post touched me to tears. I read it to my husband and couldn't even make it to the end. God has big plans for your family...I'll be following so that I can see what they are. The amazing thing about toddler adoption is that your baby is out there right now - today - getting ready for a brand new life with you guys. I will be praying for his or her heart...what a lucky little person to have a mommy who already loves him (or her) so much!

  3. Thanks so much for all of y'all's support! It really means so much to me.
