Thursday, September 20, 2012

Photoshopping spree....

I have been trying my hand at more and more Photoshop stuff since my daughter is a camera magnet. This photo is to complete a series that my mother gave me at my baby shower: my grandmother at around 5 months, my mother at around 5 months, me at a similar age, and a blank place for my darling.

Obviously the background needs to be fixed and the colors were a little dull plus I wanted to brighten her two teeth to bring attention to the cuteness of the teeth. Also, the dress is light pink but got washed out with the flash.

If I was super expert I would have fixed her hair better but with it being so wispy I couldn't figure it out.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Sick momma....

Today is my first day sick as a momma...

My throat is soar and my nose is running like crazy.

I made myself some chicken noodle soup and drank some blood orange kombucha because I didn't have orange juice.

Mitch came home at lunch to take the dog out and run to Kroger's to get me some actual orange juice.

Addy may be a little under the weather too because she has already taken two naps today.

-burp cloths absorb a lot of snot
-dress comfortably (read as: Cassidy is dressed like a slob)
-Netfix has Disney movies
-drink lots of water
-gargle with hot salt water

I plan on taking a bath later... dream big, I always say.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Growing so fast and a caption contest!

It probably sounds cliche but Addy is growing so fast! I think that as long as there are people that love kiddos and love seeing them grow you will always hear "She is growing so fast," "Time is flying by," and "I can't believe he was ever that little."

Adelaide is now 5 months old and has TWO teeth. She had a hard time getting her first one in but after about two weeks of fussiness she was okay. The second came in without us even noticing much.
5 months old Aug 27
She loves moving anywhere she can and this morning that "anywhere" was all the way into the kitchen to knock over Theo's water bowl.

Her favorite things right now are magazines, books, her bear toy, teething rings, and cups.

Being awesome in her high chair

Happy girl at the park

Daddy trying to make baby smile!

My sweet little girl looks like such a goober in this pic! Can you come up with an awesome caption?
What should this say?